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Upgrading Finch

Finch releases updates on a regular cadence. To find the latest release and information on what was included see the release notes.

A Finch release includes new versions of all components of the stack, including the latest operating system patches. As part of a Finch upgrade, all container related data (container images and container volumes) are persisted between upgrades.

On Windows, currently the best way to upgrade is to download and run the latest Finch.msi release from Finch's GitHub repository. For detailed instructions on running the .msi, see the Windows installation page.

After completing the installation, you can verify that the new version has been installed by running:

  1. Run finch vm init

  2. Once the command has finished, you can check the status of the Finch virtual machine with finch version.

    finch version

    The output shows the version of Finch installed. If the virtual machine is running, it will also show the versions of the various container components.

    finch version
     Version:       v0.6.2
     OS/Arch:       linux/arm64
     GitCommit:     741d578d9ab456a5f58f050d2324417501868e02
      Version:      v1.4.0
      GitCommit:    7e8114a82da342cdbec9a518c5c6a1cce58105e9
      Version:      v0.11.6
      GitCommit:    2951a28cd7085eb18979b1f710678623d94ed578
      Version:      v1.7.1
      GitCommit:    1677a17964311325ed1c31e2c0a3589ce6d5c30d
      Version:      1.1.7
      GitCommit:    v1.1.7-0-g860f061b