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Registry Authentication

Authenticating to a Container Registry

Before a container image can be pushed to a container image repository, it is common for the image registry to ask you to authenticate yourself. Depending on the image registry you are using, you either authenticate yourself through the finch login command, or you can leverage credential helpers, to manage authentication tokens on your behalf.

Using the Amazon ECR Credential Helper to login to Amazon ECR

The Amazon ECR Credential Helper is a credential helper that handles Amazon ECR authentication tokens for you. It does this by leveraging the AWS credentials used by the the AWS CLI, typically these are located on the workstation at ~/.aws/credentials.

To configure the Amazon ECR credential helper:

  1. Ensure the AWS credentials have been configured and are working correctly on the host local machine before attempting to using the Amazon ECR credential helper.

    aws sts get-caller-identity
  2. Add the ecr-login to the creds_helpers section of the Finch configuration file. The file is found at: ~/.finch/finch.yaml.

    cpus: 3
    memory: 4GiB
        - ecr-login
  3. If it does not already exist, add ecr-login to the registry credentials file located at ~/.finch/config.json

        "credsStore": "ecr-login"
  4. Stop and start the Finch virtual machine to pick up the new configuration.

    finch vm stop
    finch vm start

Using the AWS CLI to login to Amazon ECR

Alternatively you can use the AWS CLI to retrieve an Amazon ECR authentication token and pass this into Finch with the finch login command. By default this token expires after 12 hours.

export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=111222333444
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1

aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | finch login --username AWS --password-stdin $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$

aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | finch login --username AWS --password-stdin "$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID.dkr.ecr.$"

If the login has been successful, you should see:

Login Succeeded

Using the Amazon ECR Credential Helper to login to Amazon ECR Public

The Amazon ECR Credential Helper is a credential helper that handles Amazon ECR Public authentication tokens for you. It does this by leveraging the AWS credentials used by the the AWS CLI, typically these are located on the workstation at ~/.aws/credentials.

To configure the Amazon ECR credential helper:

  1. Ensure the AWS credentials have been configured and are working correctly on the host local machine before attempting to using the Amazon ECR credential helper.

    aws sts get-caller-identity
  2. Add the ecr-login to the creds_helpers section of the Finch configuration file. The file is found at: ~/.finch/finch.yaml.

    cpus: 3
    memory: 4GiB
        - ecr-login
  3. If it does not already exist, add ecr-login to the registry credentials file located at ~/.finch/config.json

        "credsStore": "ecr-login"
  4. Stop and start the Finch virtual machine to pick up the new configuration.

    finch vm stop
    finch vm start

Using the AWS CLI to login to Amazon ECR Public

Alternatively you can use the AWS CLI to retrieve an [Amazon ECR Public] ( authentication token and pass this into Finch with the finch login command. By default this token expires after 12 hours.

# Note that the region will always be us-east-1 when authenticating to ECR Public.
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | finch login --username AWS --password-stdin

If the login has been successful, you should see:

Login Succeeded

To login to Docker Hub, or any registry with username and password authentication. You can use the finch login command and enter the username and password when prompted.

finch login
Enter Username: username
Enter Password:

If the login has been successful, you should see:

Login Succeeded