finch push¶
Push an image or a repository to a registry. Optionally specify "ipfs://" or "ipns://" scheme to push image to IPFS.
finch push [flags] NAME[:TAG]
--all-platforms Push content for all platforms
--allow-nondistributable-artifacts Allow pushing images with non-distributable blobs
--cosign-key string Path to the private key file, KMS URI or Kubernetes Secret for --sign=cosign
--estargz Convert the image into eStargz
-h, --help help for push
--ipfs-address string multiaddr of IPFS API (default uses $IPFS_PATH env variable if defined or local directory ~/.ipfs)
--ipfs-ensure-image Ensure the entire contents of the image is locally available before push (default true)
--notation-key-name string Signing key name for a key previously added to notation's key list for --sign=notation
--platform strings Push content for a specific platform
-q, --quiet Suppress verbose output
--sign string Sign the image (none|cosign|notation (default "none")
--soci-min-layer-size int Minimum layer size to build zTOC for. Smaller layers won't have zTOC and not lazy pulled. Default is 10 MiB. (default -1)
--soci-span-size int Span size that soci index uses to segment layer data. Default is 4 MiB. (default -1)